Egyptian Diaspora Observatory  



Under the title of “Building Hope”, Women for Justice” and “HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement” are organizing the first edition of the “Egyptian Diaspora Forum”.

           The Egyptian Diaspora Forum will bring together pro-democracy organizations, human rights organizations, donor institutions, human rights defenders, experts, diaspora communities representatives,  and other actors, to exchange ideas and best practices on Diaspora engagement in the processes of joint design, networking, capacity building, and access to justice. . This forum also aims to create an opportunity for communication between the different components of diaspora communities, and to bridge the gap between effective institutions, individuals and stakeholders.

This forum will also be a space to learn about success stories from the Syrian, Lebanese and Iranian diaspora, who have long experience in building joint action planning, lobbying, effective advocacy and building transnational advocacy networks.

            The Egyptian Diaspora Forum is an opportunity to rebuild hope and celebrate the successes of the Egyptian diaspora communities and individuals, as well as to reflect on the serious challenges in an increasingly complicated and complex scene for activists, women, organisations and societies as well as to create an opportunity for connecting and communication between the different components of the Egyptian Diaspora and to explore possibilities for cooperation, coordination and networking between them.

   Who will participate?

  • Representatives of diaspora communities
  • Pro-Democracy organizations
  • Human Rights organizations
  • Donor Institutions
  • Academics
  • Advocates
  • Research Institutions
  • Human Rights Defenders
  • Transnational Advocacy Experts
  • Thought leaders

          The forum sessions will be either public interactive sessions, or closed sessions that can be attended only by pre-registration and direct invitations, and will be limited to activists, human rights defenders, international and regional organizations and various donor institutions.

         We look forward to your participation in the forum’s activities. This is a space for you, to share your ideas about diaspora, to promote your work in support of democracy, human rights, peacebuilding and development, and to highlight your achievements, aspirations, and challenges, and most importantly, to think with us how we can, together and hand in hand, to develop this vital work.

  • The forum starts on December 5th. 

    Language access:  Sessions will be held in Arabic and interpreted simultaneously into English. We can add other languages in response to demand.


WJF Call for Application

Empowering Egyptian Initiatives on Diaspora

The targeting of actors in the public sphere in Egypt is prompting many activists to move outside the country, where tens of thousands of Egyptians have found themselves in voluntary or forced exile, and the large numbers who have fled the country since 2011 in cross waves have included diverse groups of intellectuals, writers, artists, scholars, and academics. human rights defenders, political activists, civil society workers and others.

Among those immigrants or exiles are many who are highly qualified in their respective fields, and who have built extensive networks with universities, research centers, NGOs, and international media in their countries of origin.

Activating this enormous potential can contribute in several ways to alleviating the harmful effects of the confiscation of the Egyptian public sphere, which affected education and scientific research. civil society; the media and others; If the efforts of the current Egyptian diaspora members are coordinated, this may reduce the negative effects of the brain drain in recent years.

Utilizing these cadres and their associated networks in attempting to reopen the public sphere through various initiatives may provide an approach towards promoting democracy and civil peace in Egypt, and the experiences of other diaspora communities have revealed different roles that diaspora played in democratization processes or in advancing development efforts. By supporting these experiences, it is possible to reach a coordination of the roles of Egyptians in the diaspora in reopening the besieged public sphere in Egypt.

The Women for Justice Foundation intends to provide support for two initiatives from the Egyptian diaspora that aim to expand public space and promote democratic reforms. This support includes contributing to establishment expenses, providing technical support for initiatives projects, funding awareness campaigns and media initiatives, or partnering with international accountability mechanisms to promote change. democracy in Egypt.

 This support aims to encourage creative ideas from diaspora activists’ initiatives, push for greater transnational coordination, and build momentum towards democratic reforms.

The Women for Justice Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Toronto, Canada, which aims to enhance the participation of women in the public sphere through the implementation of activities and programs that support community development and advocacy for issues of democracy, social justice, conflict resolution, and the promotion of peace through dialogue, communication, and research activities. (For more information about the Foundation, you can visit its website:

WJF Call for Applications

Eligibility Criteria


You must be:

  • A registered as a non-profit entity,
  • Or an active non formal with a non-profit aim.

Your work must address one or more from the following areas:

  • Expand public space and promote democratic reforms,
  • Promote women rights or/and women activism.
  • Working with international accountability mechanisms to promote change toward democracy in Egypt.
  • Increasing collaboration and engagement between diaspora organizations.

Your organization/initiative must have a strong reputation within your community, with peers who can attest to your work.


You must employ an inclusive approach, accept diversity and has no political affiliation.


Your organization/initiative must have a strong reputation within your community, with peers who can attest to your work.


Your organization/initiative must have a strong reputation within your community, with peers who can attest to your work.


Your organization/initiative must have a strong reputation within your community, with peers who can attest to your work.


You must work to close and prevent current and future gaps in between the Egyptian diaspora and the Egyptian public sphere, promote women’s rights and women’s activism or promote human rights and community building.


Your organization/initiative must have a strong reputation within your community, with peers who can attest to your work.


Your organization/initiative must have a strong reputation within your community, with peers who can attest to your work.


You must zero fund initiative or have an annual turnover no higher than $5,000.


You must have a level of administrative ability to share project updates and meet reporting requirements.


You must fit the definition of the “Diaspora initiative” specified above.


Currently, we are unable to fund rights-based organizations/non-formal initiatives which focus exclusively on migrant rights or the work environment in the host communities.

WJF Call for Applications

Selection process

At the first stage of the application, we will request a project budget. If your proposal is selected, you will need to provide the following documents:

*The application window will close at 23:59 Toronto/Canada Time on the day, 31.07.2022. Applicants will be notified by 16.08.2022. We apologize in advance for not being able to offer feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

If you have questions please send us an email: dif@women4justice.org

Organizational budget, if applicable.

Biographies of members of the board and key staff or the founders of the initiatives.

Two-to-three contact details of references from peer organizations. References will be requested at an advanced stage of the selection process.

A copy of the latest accounts or financial statements, If applicable.


سلسلة حوارية حول تأثير الحرب في غزة على الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان في مصر والإقليم

سلسلة حوارية حول تأثير الحرب في غزة على الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان في مصر والإقليم

ورشة العمل التشاورية الأولى- ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣ الحضور: حضر اللقاء إثني عشر مشارك، تنوعوا بين عاملين بمجال حقوق الانسان أو باحثين في مجالي الديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان، وقد تعددت مستويات النقاش، ولكن اتفق الحضور على أننا بإزاء مشهد جديد على كافة المستويات، ويستدعي هذا برامج عمل...

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Egyptian Diaspora Forum

Egyptian Diaspora Forum

Stories and Experiences of Egyptian and International Diaspora https://youtu.be/ewu8c2dM8eY The Intersectional Feminist Diasporic Struggle https://youtu.be/1vFs_9xcj00

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